Hunters Rejoice! There is a Hunting Blind Game Changer In Town

Jody has been a hunter since he was old enough to hold a gun without falling over. For the past 25+ years, most of our family events on his side involved hunting. We have built Taj Mahal stands, nailed 2x4’s to tree limbs, rested 12 ft ladder stands beside trees, and thrown hunting tents out for quick cover just to name a few.

Each hunting setup added a new challenge. Ladder stands were ant highways and squirrels boxing rings, 2x4’s nailed to a tree were simply uncomfortable (and rather dangerous, honestly) and building those tower stands was expensive and time-consuming. Not only where the stands themselves challenging, the homes they created for the wildlife was a bit frustrating. We encountered wasp and hornet nests, - do you know in Texas these pests never truly go away and, once the sun rises, they do too! Snakes and centipedes make for a quicker jolt of “caffeine” to start the days hunt then the thickest trail coffee ever could, and shuffling of feet stirs up chiggers, mosquitos, and biting spiders, oh my!

The one setup we enjoy the most, however, is quick, easy, and budget friendly! We add a Travel Easy Deck package to a portable blind to make the best of all stands, hands down. Travel Easy Decks are quick, easy, quiet. They get us up and away from the hazards of other type of blind setups encourage plus Travel Easy Decks provide a sturdy base to take that perfect shot without wobble, crackle, or pops.

Check out how quick and easy your next hunting stand will be!